Archive for the Terry’s Blog Category

Why Stage in a Hot Market – A Case Study

Why Stage in a Hot Market – A Case Study

Is it hot enough for you? 2020/2021 will go down in the realtor history books as the hottest market ever experienced. Properties are receiving multiple offers, with some offers well over asking price, sometimes to the tune of tens of thousands. So why stage if demand is high? First answer – all the same reasons apply as if the market was slow; have great photos, create emotion, etc. Second answer – not all properties are selling on day one and the costs associated with so many Days on Market can be staggering. The property described in this case study is

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Staging a Different Lifestyle in 2020

Staging a Different Lifestyle in 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed our homes into multifunctional spaces, serving as offices, schools, and entertainment centers. In today’s market, highlighting how a home can seamlessly adapt to these changes is essential. Features that were once considered drawbacks may now be assets, and staging should showcase the full potential of a space to meet modern needs. Enhance the Home Office With remote work becoming the norm, a dedicated home office is a key selling feature. Staging should emphasize a workspace that is both private and productive. A well-staged home office with a desk, ergonomic

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How to Appeal to the Work-from-Home-Buyer

How to Appeal to the Work-from-Home-Buyer

Staging’s purpose is to minimize time spent on the market and maximize value by creating a product with the broadest buyer appeal. Stagers watch for changes in current furniture styles, color trends, and most importantly, lifestyle changes to achieve this. Every year, sometimes more frequently, new and distinctive color palettes are shown by designers and paint companies. Furniture styles, accent pieces and accessories update with similar or greater speed. One look at the lines at HomeGoods or At Home is evidence of ever evolving trends and the impact on our lives and wallets. Lifestyle changes normally happen more organically. Before

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Resisting the R.A.T.

Resisting the R.A.T.

January 25th marked the Year of the Rat in the Chinese Zodiac Calendar. Rats can be curious, smart, fierce, and intelligent. But one rat in particular, the woodrat – or packrat – shares another trait with humans. Our tendency to collect. We collect friends, activities, habits (good and bad), and things. Packrats, whether animal or human, collect items in their home that may not be needed or used but sometimes have personal or other value. It can be difficult for some to resist the R.A.T., or resist the urge to Reactively Acquire Things. Those who display packrat behavior commonly retain

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Staging Challenges: New Construction

Staging Challenges: New Construction

TLC Home completed a new type of staging project just before Thanksgiving: New Construction. 551 Leftwich Lane in is part of a new townhouse community in Annapolis, MD. New Construction properties present their own challenges when it comes to staging. A new, modern, open floor plan means standard Living Room, Dining Room, and Kitchen spaces aren’t separated, instead offering two large open spaces and a small nook. We chose furnishings that reflected the modern style and space and made the house feel like it could be a home. We purchased a modern style desk for the nook to show how

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Ready, Set, Get Organized

Ready, Set, Get Organized

Has this wave of crisp, fresh, fall weather inspired you to make a big change? When we feel the urge to change or improve our life or our home, it often results in large organizing or home maintenance projects. Change is a natural and important part life. But now you have a really, REALLY big job ahead of you and don’t know where to begin.  You’ve acknowledged the need for change and have learned to sort into Keep, Toss, Donate, but you’re still stuck.  Whether it’s a mountain of paper in the office or a heap of clutter in the

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Staging Consults Made Easy & Effective

Staging Consults Made Easy & Effective

Telling clients how to prepare their home for sale is the easy part. You know what condition the house needs to be in and how it should look to get top dollar. The tricky part is getting owners to buy in and take action. If not done well, asking a homeowner to make changes often results in a poorly prepared house or worse – not getting or losing the listing. If the goal is to achieve a successful sale, homeowners must want to make the necessary adjustments. It can sometimes feel like getting a kid to eat their vegetables. We

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Collaboration is Key

Collaboration is Key

Hey Folks! Full transparency: for the past year, I haven’t been writing my blogs alone. I have always enjoyed my work in staging and organizing. Recently, I identified an aspect  that excites me no matter what service I am providing at the time: Collaboration. Working together with a client or another stager to find solutions is a great feeling. When each party sets aside ego and contributes to the goal, the best ideas and solutions are achieved. Staging requires an understanding of design and understanding of the buyer’s perspective. When working with another stager, the process becomes more efficient and

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Organize to Sell

Organize to Sell

Showing your house while actively living in it is daunting. Whether you live in a small cottage in Edgewater MD, a townhouse in Glen Burnie or a two story home in Severna Park, MD, owners must be ready at a moments notice for potential buyers to view their home. As part of our staging consultation, TLC Home provides tips on how to live in and show a house with least effort and maximum success. We focus on tweaking those most used systems and routines: the enter/exit zone, kitchen counter activity, laundry, dressing, bathrooms and pets. These high frequency, essential systems

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How NOT to Spring Clean

How NOT to Spring Clean

Spring is a season of light, warmth, flowers and spring cleaning. But who wants to spend these warm and breezy days cleaning? Wouldn’t you rather enjoy your time with family or at spring events? With cleaning on the brain, spring is a great time to consider not-cleaning and hiring professionals. TLC Home recommends hiring professional cleaning services to our clients, and to everyone else. Hiring a cleaning company gives you more time for activities you want to enjoy and pushes you to maintain home organization. Time is a precious commodity that is nonrefundable. Cleaning requires time and concentration to achieve quality

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