Archive for the Brittney’s Blog Category

Keeping up with the Mail

Olivia has a love hate relationship with the mailman.  She loves watching him deliver mail to our block as she sits in the window, and gets excited when she sees he has delivered our mail.  She yells “thank you!” after he has left. But if she is playing and he unexpectedly delivers the mail through our front door, she gets so startled.  She won’t stand or play by the front door for this reason. Mail is constantly entering the house so it’s easily one of the biggest problem areas.  You know how the mail comes in and goes right to

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7 Ways to Prepare the Family for Back to School

It’s that time!  Back to school is here!  That can mean a scramble in routines, new places to be, early mornings, and lots of paperwork.  Let’s prepare for what could be a chaotic time! – Create a Command Center: Dedicate an area of your home for a “command center” set up with a family calendar, a place for class/sport forms, filing system, and supplies.  You can display the calendar so all family members can see the schedule, and make sure to keep it up to date.  All family members should be familiar with the space in order to develop a

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Managing Kid’s Toys

If you missed my post on Simplifying Life which has a focus on doing less + having less, check it out here! This is part II in the series and it’s all about toys!  Toys can easily take over and consume our homes if we allow it.  I aim to be mindful while managing Olivia’s toys and here are a few ways… 1. Know Your Boundary to Keep to a Minimum: In order to keep them to a minimum you have to know your boundary.  I have designated areas in the house, and if the toys begin to override those areas, then it’s time to

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Springtime Activities for the Family

There is so much to love about spring, and there are endless amounts of activities offered throughout the city.  Here are some of our favorites, which happen to be free, require minimal effort and keep us active — pretty darn perfect in my book!  With the craziness of life, it’s often the simplest things in life that are the most enjoyable and that’s usually my goal. Walks: Heading out with no real plan always leads to something enjoyable (most of the time). I grew up on a river so we usually head toward water, either the Tidal Basin, Capitol Reflection Pool, or Yards Park.

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Simplifying Life

I’ve come across a lot of people seeking simplicity in their life lately and seen various books/articles on the topic in passing. Here is one article that I came across multiple times and recommend — becomingminimalist.  We live in a fast-paced world, and it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos. Simplifying life looks different for everyone, and it all depends on what you are seeking. For me, simplifying life falls on two things. The first has been important to me all my life and involves having less. With less stuff, less clutter, I have a clear mind and I’m

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Springin’ It Up!

Nesting has certainly amplified my spring-cleaning game over here. There are so many ways to prepare the house for spring and the list could go on and on. So instead of sharing everything you could do, I’m just going to share ways that I spring it up in our house… And it’s important to note that I don’t do this all in one day. I always break it up to make it easier on myself. Declutter Clothing + Cabinets: I start here every season. As I go through the clothing closet, I try to donate items that I didn’t wear

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Welcoming + Preparing for a New Baby

The third trimester is upon us!  Time to finish up nesting and soak up every minute with just Olivia.  I’m so excited to welcome a new babe to the family and see Olivia as a big sister.  I’m most looking forward to what a little brother will bring out in Olivia while watching them learn + grow together.  Of course, it’ll have it’s challenges but giving her a sibling and growing our family is such a blessing. Welcoming a new baby to the family is an exciting time full of baby snuggles, hugs, and kisses. Ideally, It’s a time to slow down and

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Spring Declutter

Spring is officially here next week! Time to declutter and organize! Yes, it can be an overwhelming task but there are ways to manage the chaos so you can be successful. Here are some tips to smoothly manage the process… It’s Going to Take Time: Don’t expect to complete your house in one day. Set a realistic goal for completing the house so you can work efficiently without getting exhausted. Plan to spend at least a couple hours in each room. Determine where you’ll begin and end the job to keep yourself on track. Commit to One Room at a Time: Start

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Organizing Kids’ Spaces

Kid’s spaces can quickly turn into an overwhelming mess. Here are some helpful ways to organize and maintain their space… Build Routine: Build a routine for the kids to pick up the space at the same time every day – before naptime, after dinner, before bedtime. This will get the children involved in the cleanup and manages the mess before it becomes too overwhelming overtime. Begin Floor Up: Consider where toys and items are placed. Arrange their favorite and most-used items lower to the ground so they can easily play and very importantly, put them away. Designate a Space for

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Teaching Kids to be Organized

Organizing isn’t something that just comes to us; we learn and practice it. Therefore, it should be something that we teach our kids. Developing our children’s organizing skills will also benefit us! Over time, what we’re teaching them will become a habit and will ease daily stressors in our life. Sure, things won’t be perfect but I can guarantee the practice will help. Here are some ways to teach them to be organized… Develop Routines: Develop routines throughout the day — morning, afterschool, dinnertime, bedtime and so on. Children are comforted by routines and the more they are practiced, the

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Four Steps to Organize Any Space

The same steps can always be taken for any organizing project. Whether it’s a small drawer or large closet, here are steps that will help manage the process. 1. Commit + Clear Out: Commit to one space at a time. Commit + complete so you avoid spreading overwhelming messes across the house. When you have chosen one space, either clear it out or sort through it so you get a chance to see everything. 2. Sort: When all objects are spread on the table/floor, sort the items between — Toss, Donate, Move, Keep. Using large totes or trash bags for this process

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