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Transition Pitfall #2: Stranger Danger

While Failure to Plan or Prepare are time and task management issues, Stranger Danger is underestimating the changes ahead. It’s harder to recognize and gets us into trouble in different ways. So the recovery is a different process.

Sue had a successful career for nearly twenty years, but after the birth of her second child, she decided to quit her job and just stay home with the kids. In her mind, she was retiring to a simpler life. She struggled for a few years before she called me. She believed she wasn’t cut out for staying home. Basically, Sue just didn’t have any idea how really difficult it was to stay home with two kids. Once she realized it wasn’t just her, she was able to apply the same techniques that had worked for her in her business life to her stay-at-home life. By creating a routine, she gained a better sense of control.  The same situation might apply to a professional starting a new job that requires longer hours or travel.

Sound familiar?  If you find that you are overwhelmed by a transition that is more difficult than you prepared for, call me.  I can help you plan routines that will allow you to stay in control, rather than being controlled by events around you.

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