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Terry on: Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo, author of the book The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up, has tapped into the American public’s interest in a most unusual way. How can a book about home organization be a New York Times #1 best seller, have magazine writers experimenting with new organizing methods to understand the “life-changing “effects,” and have organizers all over the country in a lather on the NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) list serve? Yes, professional organizers are not happy with Marie.

I read “Magic” last fall and felt a response was in order myself. But not until I saw post after negative post, and a few very eloquent articles by fellow organizers, did I feel it was time to chime in. I read some acknowledgement of a few good ideas, but mostly read bitterness, jealousy, and lack of open-mind for new ideas or old ideas said in a new voice. What I did not read was an organizer saying they had tried her methods in their own or their clients’ homes. So how do they know if it works or not?

My initial reaction was there are some good ideas, (some ideas I’ll never know good or bad because I refuse to fold underwear,) some culturally unrealistic ideas, and some seemingly whacky concepts to organized folks, but are spot-on for the chronically disorganized mind.

Ms. Kondo’s tone and lyrical charm, derived both from her personality and passion and possibly from the Japanese to English translation, is what sets this book apart from dry, conceptual or practical books of the same ilk. Unlike the books organizers enjoy for practical organizing solutions and better understanding of the disorganized mind, The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up is fun to read.

I am going to expand on my thoughts about Ms. Kondo’s unique attitudes toward home organization in a series of blogs over the next couple months. I would appreciate any likes or comments on my facebook page regarding your thoughts on my blog, professional organization, or on Ms. Kondo’s book.

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