TLC Home Staging

Organizing for My Future

Hello There! 

I’m Tess, Terry’s marketing assistant! It’s odd to be talking to the world about myself. But is seemed appropriate, given what we do at TLC Home, the time of year, and where I am in my life.  For those of you who don’t know what we do at TLC Home, we are an organizing and staging company.  What that really means is this: TLC Home helps our clients to improve their lives by enhancing their home.  It could mean that we are  helping you sell so you can move into your dream house with your family. Or that you want a little help getting your pantry in order so you aren’t scrambling to reach the marshmallows for a spur of the moment s’more with your kids. 

What it means to me is different because I am in a different place in my life. I am a full-time adult student. When I was in school the first time around, I struggled to meet deadlines and keep organized. As an adult it’s even more challenging, because I work full/part time. I also live on my own. Balancing work, home, and school is a challenge for the most organized person in the world. Which I am not. But working for TLC Home has helped me to not just hear the words prioritize, organize, declutter, but to understand how to utilize them in my own life. Organizing does for me what vacations do for other people: it helps me Let Go.

Organizing and scheduling school tasks, work schedules, and chores at home is a challenge, but taking the time to organize decreases the stress and anxiety I feel about juggling the different parts of my life. Scheduling my present helps me to plan my future while maintaining flexibility. After all I am in school… I could decide I don’t want to be a middle school teacher and be a lawyer instead! Having an organized schedule helps me make that kind of decision with less anxiety. I am not scrambling to find everything I need, because it’s right where I need it to be. I have let go of the smaller problems and adjusted my priorities. 

Of course this doesn’t mean I get the laundry done the same day each week, or don’t occasionally lose my keys! I still have a way to go before I am a truly organized person. But now I have created organizational systems to help me function efficiently and enjoy my life more fully.

Thanks for reading,


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