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There are the ultra-organized, those who keep all of their systems running smoothly throughout the summer, and there are the rest of us. We let stuff pile up in the garage, mud room or the kitchen counters in order to make the most out of summertime (or do nothing at all.)

Piles are part of the summer organization plan. This works for us because we know that when fall arrives we’ll press the restart button and get control of the house again.

Here are a few tips for those who let a little more stack up than they planned and are overwhelmed with how to re-gain control. The key is to break it down to a series of smaller projects:

Re-assign Super-Accessible- Relocate high-use items, like pool or boating supplies that made their way from assigned homes to a handier location (like the dining room table) back to their assigned homes.

Process never- got- put- away travel gear- Unpack from last month’s vacation. It may be quicker and easier to just wash everything, at this point, rather than separating unworn clothing. Put suitcases and travel items away, ready for next adventure.

Get back your guest room- Whether you’ve been using your guest room as an out-of-sight dumping spot or you really had guests this summer, put everything away and make the bed. Holiday entertaining will be a breeze!

 Line up the Linens- Did an abundance of sleep-overs wreck havoc on the linen closet? Tidy and match up linens by type or sets (your preference.) Purge mismatched linens, extra towels and toiletries while you’re there.

 Reclaim Your Car- Remove: tote bags, beach bags, lunch bags, sand chairs, towels, and anything sandy, goop-y or gloppy. Then go treat yourself and your car to a nice wash and wax.

Bonus: Photo Storage- Do not wait until _____________ (name unrealistic plan here) to download, scrapbook, or frame your summer memories. Life is short and more memories are just around the corner.


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