TLC Home Staging

Organize to Entertain


The holidays are the time to gather with friends and family. We enjoy conversation, laughter and togetherness. We reminisce the past and reveal our plans for the future.  Being the one who brings this together offers great satisfaction and appreciation. Yet many of us hesitate to do so. Planning a party may seem too over whelming, with too many hurdles to overcome. But once the desire to entertain is moved up the priority list, a strategy can be devised to achieve this goal.

Less is More- the simpler entertaining is, the more likely you will do it. Reduce stress and protect your energy level by de-cluttering your kitchen and dining room.  In the kitchen, go through cabinets, drawers, pantry and refrigerator. Eliminate all unwanted and unused items. Donate food you’ll never eat and dishes, serving and cookware you don’t use. Examine the gadgets and single use appliances. Is the apple peeler or the hot dog cooker worth the space they take up? If not, move them out. Thin out in the dining room, as well. Lifting five heavy platters to get to your favorite, largest one is an energy zapper.

Be efficient- Examine what remains. Are the frequently used items easy to reach? Are the serving dishes and bowls easily stackable or nest-able? Can you get to the bottom of a pile without breaking a sweat? Do you need each and everyone one of the freebie plastic cups you’ve been collecting? Is the food in the fridge and pantry categorized and easily accessible? Is counter space clear for food preparation? Reorganize the items in your kitchen to reduce the time and frustration of inefficient preparation, serving, and clean-up. If space allows, set-up items so that helpers do not cross into your working zone.

Set a realistic goal– Once the kitchen is ready, determine what you love about entertaining, what you enjoy and do well. Consider your time, budget and energy level. Design a party around all of these considerations. If you love a creative menu, but hate to cook, then get theme-y and get to a gourmet deli.  You’re a talented cook, but not into details? Then skip the flowers and feed your guests well- that is what they’ll enjoy and remember. If making your house look its best is important to you, then focus on decorations and lighting and keep the menu and bar simple.

Develop a plan- Pick a date, make guest list and send invitations, decide on the mood and menu. If cooking, be sure to plan plenty of make-ahead recipes and keep to your comfort and talent level. Make beverage plans and prep bar. Prepare shopping list and schedule time to clean and decorate. Tip: guests have a great time when they feel they are being treated. Plan for one or two gourmet touches. Over-sized bowls of candy, special candles, or a glass of champagne are just the signal that your mission was to please.

Do, Delegate or Drop- Manage your to-do list by first evaluating your plan.  Prioritize by importance-calligraphed place tags add an elegant touch, but the evening can go on without them. If the ice is never picked up, that could put a damper on the fun. Decide when, where, and how all of your to-do’s will be carried out. If this is your first party, allow twice as much time as you planned to complete your list. Most importantly, delegate what you can. Plan early and communicate the help you will need. Be specific when it matters.  Assume nothing. Don’t ask for red wine if you wanted a cabernet. If the list is still too long, consider hiring help or letting something go, keeping the focus on sharing your home.

Short cuts are the new perfection- gone are the days when perfection is expected. Knowing how to entertain simply is in. Having a friend that makes favors and place settings sets you free from doing it. It can be just as impressive to know where to buy something new and delicious as to prepare it yourself. Take advantage of that to enjoy the evening as much as your guests. Overlook what you missed, spilled, forgot or burned and everyone else will.

Do it again- Plan for the next party while executing this one. Keep a list on party day and while you are cleaning up of all the ideas that come to you- and they will come. Jot down the problems you encountered and how you could simplify further.  What could make clean-up easier? How could I get the costs down?  Take note as to whether you would consider hiring serving or clean-up help, if you still felt stress during the party. Include notes on serve-ware to purchase or fussy recipes to drop.  Be sure to keep a copy of the menu and shopping list in a party notebook and re- use all of your successful plans for a different group.

Hosting a successful party is enormously gratifying. It requires obtainable organizing skills to prepare for and carry out. Moderate goals and expectations and liberal use of list making are instrumental in creating an atmosphere for all to enjoy.

Originally featured in Nesting Magazine, December 2010.


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