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Memorabilia Matters

Hello!  What a week so Far! I have a new client that has really reminded me why I love to work with organizing clients and help them to simplify their lives. Organizing with passion and active interest in making your home more functional and fun is important. Clients that have that passion are more likely to succeed long term. The only way to truly instill active interest is to work with my clients and fit organizing into their lives. What is important to my clients is important to me and informs how we work together to achieve our organizing goals.

My new client has a common issue that I have seen with chronic disorganization. She compounded her personal disorganization issues by bringing family memorabilia from her parents’ estate into her home. She became overwhelmed, lost functionality of her Living Room and Dining Room, and decided the disorganization was unbearable. The memorabilia was affecting her present quality of living.  Most organizers would tell their client to get rid of everything, but Memorabilia Matters.

Not to everyone, but if it matters to you, the client, than it is worth going through. Memorabilia often plays an important part in peoples lives for multiple reasons: 1) It can be pleasing to look at,  2) it often brings back visceral, personal memories, and  3) it is something tangible to pass onto  your children as part of your family history. 

Memorabilia can weigh down your quality of life if you are not careful, but that’s what I’m here for! The key is is to limit quantity and properly store and display what you have. My client doesn’t necessarily want the entirety of her father’s coin, stamp, and police collections, but she does want those positive memories associated with her father.

  1. Choose the most important – maybe the best coins, his badge, and an especially pretty stamp
  2. Decide where to keep it – treasure boxes are wonderful, or you could frame items and display with photos
  3. Donate or Give away the rest – Be careful not to unload on others! If someone doesn’t want it, respect their decision

In my own home, as the children got older I had a lot of different toys that were no longer played with. Instead of throwing out everything, I kept a part of each and displayed them on a thin shelf. There are Ninja Turtles, Matchbox cars, small dolls and action figures. My own children often remark on them and now my grandchildren can pull them down and share in their parents childhood.

Each person can simplify organizing in their own way and choose what really matters to them. Whether it’s concert tickets, college tee shirts, or stuffed animals, choosing what’s important is vital to maintaining balance in life. Keeping items that trigger positive, precious memories can be beneficial, but be sure the past doesn’t overwhelm the present.

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