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Groundhog Blues

So what does a groundhog know?

What a great character… a ground hog that predicts our wintry fate. No matter how slightly, we all love to believe in the possibility of a few less weeks of cold weather. We’re not gullible…but gee it’s fun to fantasize! (Punxsutawney Phil was off big time this year.)

Fantasizing can take us to some great places, but left unchecked our creative minds can lead us down the wrong path, as well. For instance, how are those New Years resolutions going? Were you just a little unrealistic about what you hoped to achieve?After spending some time consulting with a client, she retorted, “It’s all about being honest with yourself.”… Wow! Awesome lesson learned!

A recent client gave me another great insight about organization. She said. “I came to the realization that I wouldn’t just stop steering a car while I’m driving, so why is it OK to stop managing my home?”

This may sound like an extreme analogy, but I have seen some pretty devastating effects of those that took one too many breaks from necessary tasks.

So think of this next time you decide to skip weekly planning or to drop another pile of mail on the counter, unsorted… are the stress, missed opportunities and late fees worth it? What is the consequence if you just stop steering?

Six more weeks till daffodils…really!


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