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10 Pitfalls of Transitions

My goal as an organizer is to help my client create maintainable systems. The key to success is to discover the root cause of the disorganization, the answer to the Why. The 10 Pitfalls of Transition are the hazards that I’ve recognized as patterns among many of my clients. They are the sources of struggle that lead someone to call an organizer.

Transitions can be a result of consciously made decisions to change the status quo or they can be thrust upon us; as changes occurring beyond our control.  Some transitions are handled with grace and some are really overwhelming. The secret to managing transitions successfully is to recognize and avoid the pitfalls.

The 1st pitfall is: Round To-it Mania

When failure to plan and prepare are combined with procrastination, a “get around to it later” approach, the results can be chaos.   These clients are constantly reacting to emergencies.

For example, I’ve seen many families and individuals really tripped up by failing to plan for a move. Items are thrown into boxes at the last minute, or they fail to set aside time to set up a home. This can really wreak havoc on a household for years. Do you have unopened boxes sitting in your garage or basement from your move 3 years ago?

I can help ensure that your transition begins smoothly, so that your new state is one of control.

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