Archive for the Clutter Removal Category

Ready, Set, Get Organized

Ready, Set, Get Organized

Has this wave of crisp, fresh, fall weather inspired you to make a big change? When we feel the urge to change or improve our life or our home, it often results in large organizing or home maintenance projects. Change is a natural and important part life. But now you have a really, REALLY big job ahead of you and don’t know where to begin.  You’ve acknowledged the need for change and have learned to sort into Keep, Toss, Donate, but you’re still stuck.  Whether it’s a mountain of paper in the office or a heap of clutter in the

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Reality Organizing for Your Teen – It’s Not Just Cleaning Up

Reality Organizing for Your Teen - It's Not Just Cleaning Up

Do you feel like your teen’s room is out of control?  Like most organizing issues, it is a result of more than just a need to clean.  Sure, dirty dishes and clothes can be cleaned up and the trash can emptied, but the underlying issues will still need to be addressed.  Here’s how I address organizing for teens. Set Example- Your teen can become organized, but it starts with you. Eliminate your own chaos. Be organized and be on time. Learn to prioritize. Know how to work well and how to relax.   KISS and make-up- Keep it Simple Sweetie

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Transition Pitfall #5: Excuses, Excuses

Transition Pitfall #5: Excuses, Excuses

On one of my earliest assessments, when I was still in a stage where I could be surprised by what I saw, I walked in to one of the hottest messes I had ever seen. Kelly told me that she moved into the house just two weeks before her second child was born. Soon after that, her husband got a job that kept him away much of the time. Well, those are both very difficult changes, but at the time of the assessment her youngest was three years old. If she had taken action 2 years earlier and not focused

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